Andrea Costrino & Co | Portrait Photography | Buffalo, NY

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Feminine Energy

When I first learned about the idea of trusting the universe and embracing my feminine energy, I thought it meant sitting back, sipping on coffee, swinging in a hammock, listening to good music, and letting life magically fall into place.

Well, guess what?

It kinda is that, but so much more too!

This trust isn't about simply sitting back and enjoying life; it begins with channeling love and good energy into your heart-centered plans.

Then, once you've poured your love into those plans, you roll up your sleeves and get to work. You tackle each task with determination, knowing that you've done all you can to set the wheels in motion.

It's like mixing a potent love potion and then adding a dash of ambition.

And then, my friend, you take a step back and let the universe work its magic!

This means letting go of the urge to constantly check emails, seek validation, or micromanage every aspect of our journey.

It's about giving the universe some breathing room to weave its wonders.

By staying open, flexible, and resilient, we can adapt to the twists and turns of our journey, knowing that everything is unfolding as it should for our highest good.

This process is a dance between active participation and surrender.

It's about finding synchronicity between our efforts and the natural unfolding of events.

Just remember, it's not an excuse to do nothing; it's an invitation to infuse our plans with love, take inspired action, and then LET IT GO!

And, in that order.

Happy Monday


*post inspired from my coffee date with Lindsay Hyatt

Photo: Cat Ford-Coates