You're a damn warrior
A warrior doesn't just valiantly fight a battle in order to win.
Rather, a true warrior is a leader who carries the guiding light and gracefully shares their knowledge with others, so they too can fight their own unique battle, while gently walking alongside them.
A warrior doesn't replicate what's already out there.
They don't follow the rule book.
Instead, they listen to their soul's inner knowing.
They become their own advocate.
And they act out of their unique perspective.
In turn, they create a new way.
Not for control.
Or for power.
Or monetary gain.
For a warrior, it's about non-discrimination.
It's about seeing everyone as an equal.
It's about respecting their desires.
And always viewing each individual as being worthy.
A warrior doesn't lead in order to serve just one single moment.
Rather, they see the long game.
Causing a ripple effect that touches many.
Many more than they could have ever imagined.
The legacy of their fight gives permission and inspiration to others, so they too can step up and do it in their own way when they're ready.
Because.... all the warrior ever wants in life is for the light to never stop shining, so it can continue to guide others to safety.
Melissa Vargo, you're a damn WARRIOR.
Proud to know you.
Proud to create with you.
Proud of what you have and will continue to do in this world and beyond.
HMUA: Kamerin Litten